17-12 Volatility and Growth: A not so straightforward relationship
by Dimitrios Bakas & Georgios Chortareas & Georgios Magkonis
17-11 Revisiting the macroeconomic effects of labor reallocation
by Emmanouil Gkiourkas & Theodore Panagiotidis & Gianluigi Pelloni
17-10 Cultural and economic value: A (p)review
by Francesco Angelini & Massimiliano Castellani
For more papers, visit: Working Papers and Professional Reports.
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- Copy the first three papers from IDEAS and paste the text above the lines
- Click after each bullet and hit ‘backspace’ until de bullet has been deleted (paper below might go up and join the paper above)
- Click on the place where the two papers separate and hit ‘enter’ twice to create a double space between each paper (and the final text)
- Leave the spaces after the final text with links
- Click on each link and go to edit. Click on the box to open the link in a new tab
- Save (Update) post