The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis – RCEA
Rimini, Italy
May 14-18, 2012
Human Capital and Economic Growth
What all these books share, however, is their comprehensive treatment of all aspects of economic growth. Though excellent in many ways, these books provide a general overview of each aspect of growth. What is clearly missing is an in depth treatment of individual aspects of long run economic growth. One of the most frequent topics tackled by these books is the role of human capital accumulation in economic growth. The popularity and importance of this topic is also witnessed by the large number of articles appearing in academic journals: a search revealed 20 articles published in the major international journals on human capital and growth during the 2002–2003 period alone. A relatively new but very widely respected journal (Journal of Economic Growth) is devoted entirely to the subject of economic growth, in general, and frequently contains articles on the human capital-growth link. At the public policy level, exhortations by officials on the importance of human capital formation in fostering economic growth appear continuously in the financial press. A course on the role of human capital in economic growth would be timely and well received by students. We plan to follow a new book that covers the main topics outlined above by Savvides and Stengos (Stanford University Press: 2008).
LOCATION: Rimini, Italy.
DURATION: May 14–18, 2012.
STRUCTURE: the course will involve 30 hours of classroom lectures, active work in the laboratories.
LEVEL: The course targets graduate students, interested faculty and practitioners who would like a comprehensive exposure to the theoretical and empirical aspects of the human capital-economic growth nexus.
Alessandra Pelloni, University of Rome and RCEA
Gianluigi Pelloni, University of Bologna, Wilfrid Laurier University and RCEA
Thanasis Stengos, University of Guelph and RCEA
FEES: The fee for attending the summer school is €950. The fee is inclusive of full board.
Accepted candidates would have to pay €250 as a deposit by April 22nd, 2012. The remaining €700 should be paid at registration in Rimini. If the student were to decide to withdraw her/his attendance after April 22nd, the deposit would not be refunded.
SCHOLARSHIPS: RCEA will award four scholarships of €250. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of the applicant‘s CV and a letter of reference.
DEADLINE for APPLICATIONS: March 24th, 2012. Applications will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee and accepted/rejected on submission.
Deadline extended: The extended deadline is April 6, 2012. Submissions should be sent to .
TRAVELING: Participants should arrange and pay for their own travelling to Rimini. The closest airports are the ones of Rimini and Bologna.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Application forms, the summer school program and further information are available at a link in the RCEA’s homepage