RCEF 2010

The Rimini Conference in Economics and Finance


“The Canadian Economy’s 15 Golden years in the Global Context”

Rimini, June 10th – June 13th 2010


“The Rimini Conference in Economics and Finance” – RCEF (formerly labelled “Small Open Economies in a Globalized World” – SOEGW) conference is a biennial international meeting assembling a group of leading economists to present and discuss their work at the cutting edge of economic research.
The previous two editions, still under the label SOEGW, were held in Rimini (Italy) in 2006
(www2.dse.unibo.it/soegw/) and Waterloo (Canada) in 2008 (www.soegw.org) and focused on issues concerning small open economies in the fast-changing globalized world. The 2010 conference will
focus on lessons learned from the Canadian economic performance and management over the last fifteen years and its response to the recent global crisis. Thus, drawing from the Canadian experience of sustained long-run growth and an effective response to a large shock, the conference will deal with general issues in growth and business cycles analysis, international trade, international finance, monetary and fiscal policies,
public economics, public finance, finance and banking, general equilibrium, game theory, economic geography, regional development, economics of tourism, environmental economics, industrial organization, labour economics, health economics, econometrics and quantitative methods.
The third edition of the workshop “Geographical Localisation, Intersectoral Reallocation of Labour and Unemployment Differentials” (GLUNLAB3) will be held within the framework of the RCEF.
Conference Website: www.rcef.it 
Plenary Speakers

  • Costas Azariadis (Washington University in St. Louis)
  • Paul Beaudry (University of British Columbia and Oxford University)
  • Thomas Lemieux(University of British Columbia and Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis)
  • Peter Nijkamp(VU University Amsterdam and Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis )
  • Arnold Zellner (University of Chicago and Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis)