RCEA – Poland

We are pleased to announce the establishment of RCEA-Poland.

The director of RCEA-Poland is Joanna Siwińska-Gorzelak. RCEA-Poland will be located at the Faculty of Economic Sciences (WNE), Warsaw University. WNE is the top-ranked Polish institution on RePEc and one of only two economic faculties ranked A+ by the Polish education ministry.

RCEA is an is a private, non-profit international organization dedicated to independent research in applied and theoretical economics and related fields. Originally established in Rimini, Italy in 2007, it is  headquartered in Canada and has a branch in Italy and now in Poland.

Poland has some excellent economists, including many young researchers, and we hope to contribute to the development of academic research there.

 4th International Conference in Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance

April 02-03, 2018, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece

The Department of Economics of the University of Macedonia organizes the 4th International Conference in Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance (AMEF), which will be held at the Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. The aim is to bring together researchers, young scholars, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students that are working on the areas of Economics and Finance. Selected papers will be included in special issues of (1) Journal of Economic Asymmetries, (2) Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance and (3) Review of Economic Analysis.

Conference website  Call for papers

New Issue of the Review of Economic Analysis

2017 (9), 2

Business ‘Psych’cles: A Close Look at Mental Health and State-level Economic Performance Using Google Search Data  by Daniel Farhat and Tarja Viitanen Abstract


A Bayesian Spatial Propensity Score Matching Evaluation of the Regional Impact of Micro-finance by Rolando Gonzales, Patricia Aranda and Joel Mendizabal Abstract


Do Exchange Rate Changes have Symmetric or Asymmetric Effects on the Demand for Money in Korea? by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Jungho Baek Abstract


Testing the Empirical Validity of the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis by Hany Fahmy Abstract


RCEAs is pleased to announce the appointment of Laurence Ball as Honorary Senior Fellow. Larry is professor and chair of the Department of Economics at Johns Hopkins University, Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and Visiting Scholar at the International Monetary Fund. His research focuses on unemployment, inflation, and fiscal and monetary policy. His papers appeared in American Economic Review, Brookings Papers, Carnegie-Rochester Series, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics and Review of Economic Studies. Larry is the author of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (Worth Publishers, second edition 2012). He is writing a book on the Federal Reserve and the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

Honorary Senior Fellow

Laurence Ball

Recent working papers

In WP 17-27: Nobel Beauty, Jan Fidrmuc, Boontarika Paphawasit and Çigdem Börke Tunali consider the effect of physical attractiveness, assessed using publicly available pictures of top scientists, on their probability of winning the Nobel Prize. There is now an extensive body of literature that finds that physically attractive people receive non-negligible benefits in the labor market, marriage market and social life. In contrast, they find that attractiveness is negatively correlated with the probability of being awarded the Nobel.

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In WP 17-26: Technology-specific Production Functions, Michele Battisti, Filippo Belloc and Massimo Del Gatto estimate technology-specific production functions avoiding any ex-ante assumption on the degree of technological sharing across firms. Their approach enables them to isolate the contribution to labour productivity stemming from technology (i.e. between-technology TFP) from the contribution associated to idiosyncratic productivity shocks not related to technology (i.e. within-technology TFP).

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In WP 17-25: Understanding Artwork Pricing: Some Theoretical Models, Francesco Angelini and Massimiliano Castellani analyse the pricing of artworks created by an artist and sold for the first time in the art market and the role information on private art market price formation. Assuming price-maximizing agents with both full and asymmetric information on market powers and reserve prices, a bargaining game theory approach is used to explore all possible channels (paths) that a new artwork can take to reach a collector or an auction house.

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In WP 17-24: How to Make Monetary Policy More Effective, Steve Ambler suggests that quantitative easing could be made much more effective by making expansions of the monetary base permanent. In turn, a commitment to permanent monetary expansion would be more credible if central banks adopted targets for nominal aggregates such as the price level or nominal GDP. A level target would also allay fears of runaway inflation.

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In WP 17-23: Male Education and Domestic Violence in Turkey: Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Mustafa Özer and Jan Fidrmuc study the effect of schooling on violence against women. Husband education lowers the incidence of physical, emotional and economic violence, but not of sexual violence. It also reduces the likelihood of forced marriage and socially unacceptable behaviour.

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In WP 17-22, Maternal education and childhood immunization in Turkey, Mustafa Özer, Jan Fidrmuc and Mehmet Ali Eryurt find that the Compulsory Education Law (CEL), which increased compulsory schooling in Turkey from 5 to 8 years increased the probability of completing the full course of DPT and Hepatitis B vaccinations for children. 

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2017 Colloquium 

  11th Annual Bayesian Econometrics Workshop  

July 3-4, 2017, University of Melbourne, Australia


Keynote Speakers

Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter

Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, 

Vienna University of Economics and Business

Sylvia Kaufmann

Study Center Gerzensee,
Foundation of the Swiss National Bank

This is the first time the RCEA Bayesian workshop was held in Australia. It is the result of a partnership with the Bayesian Analysis and Modeling Research Group at the University of Melbourne. Papers in all areas of Bayesian econometrics were presented.

Program Call for Papers

 9th RCEA Macro-Money-Finance Workshop

Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Next Recession

June 23-24, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


Keynote Speakers

Laurence M. Ball

Johns Hopkins University and NBER

Angelo Melino

University of Toronto, RCEA and C.D.Howe Institute

The current macroeconomic situation will make it more difficult than ever for policymakers to stimulate economies in the next recession.  Policy interest rates cannot be reduced much  since they are at record lows; public debt is, in most countries, at record high, and the new US administration is promising to roll back some of macroprudential reforms introduced in the wake of the Great Recession. The current situation makes dealing with the next recession a formidable challenge. The goal of the workshop is to discuss what can be done to prepare for the next cyclical downturn, and what to do when the next recession starts, as it inevitably will.

Call for papers Program Poster

Two Dynamic Paths on a Shared Road:

Canadian-Italian Cooperation at 150 and 156

June 17, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Keynote Speakers

Luigi Bruti-Liberati

Università degli Studi di Milano

Kenneth Bartlett

University of Toronto

The conference is organized on the occasion of Canada’s sesquicentennial,  with the support of the Consulate General of Italy in Toronto and Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Toronto.

Unlike other RCEA meetings, this is an interdisciplinary conference, which will include participants from social sciences and humanities. It has two goals. The first is to celebrate 150 years of Canada and the contribution of Italian-Canadians to Canada’s economic, political, social and cultural development. The second goal is to bring together academics and policymakers from both countries to spur cooperation between Canada and Italy. Canada’s sesquicentennial year, coming only a few years after Italy’s 150th anniversary as a unified state, provides a timely opportunity to strengthen these historic bonds.

Program Poster

8th RCEA Macro-Money-Finance Workshop

May 18-19, 2017, Rimini, Palacongressi, Italy


Keynote Speakers

Karim Abadir

Imperial College London

Guido Ascari

University of Oxford

The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (RCEA) invites papers to be considered for its 2017 RCEA Macro-Money-Finance Workshop. While the workshop is intended for theoretical work or applied work in Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Finance and Public Finance, papers in any area of Economics and Finance in relation to the overarching theme of the workshop are welcome.

Call for papers Program Papers and abstracts

3rd International Conference in Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance (AMEF)

April 21-22 , University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki , Greece


Plenary Speakers


Gikas Hardouvelis

University of Pireus

Elias Papaioannou

London Business School

Konstantinos Theodoridis

Bank of England

Thanasis Stengos

University of Guelph


The Department of Economics of the University of Macedonia organizes the 3rd International Conference in Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance (AMEF). The aim is to bring together researchers, young scholars, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students that are working on the areas of Economics and Finance. Selected papers will be included in special issues of (1) Applied Economics Quarterly, (2) Review of Economic Analysis and (3) South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics. 

Conference Website Program Call for Papers

3rd Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market

Spatial Dimensions of Inequality 

March 30-31, 2017, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, Germany


Keynote Speakers

Gilles Duranton

The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and RCEA

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose

London School of Economics, President of the RSAI —–

Jens Südekum

Heinrich Heine University   Düsseldorf

The workshop on “Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market” focuses on topics concerning regional labour markets. This year, a special focus is placed on inequality across space. The workshop is  jointly organised by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (RCEA) and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW).  

Program Call for Papers 

2016 Colloquium

The Rimini Conference in Economics and Finance – RCEF 2016
Innovation, Growth, Governance and Development

September 16th-18th, 2016, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


The Rimini Conference in Economics and Finance (RCEF) is a biennial international meeting assembling a group of leading economists to present and discuss their work at the cutting edge of economic research. The previous conferences were held in Rimini, Italy (2006, 2010 and 2014), in Waterloo, Ontario (2008) and in Toronto, Ontario (2012).


Plenary Speakers

prof_helpman_bankok.jpg SGSB-0404-Chad_JonesRT knight_malcolm_16x9_ James_Robinson.jpg
Elhanan Helpman Charles (Chad) Jones Malcom D. Knight James Robinson
Harvard University Stanford University London School of Economics University of Chicago

While papers related to the four topics of innovation, growth, governance and development and their interrelationships are of particular interest to the organizers, we invite papers in other areas of economics, including business cycles analysis, international trade, international finance, monetary and fiscal policies, public economics, public finance, finance and banking, general equilibrium, game theory, economic geography, regional development, economics of tourism, environmental economics, industrial organization, labour economics, health economics, econometrics and quantitative methods.

The RCEF2016 conference is organized by RCEA jointly with Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) and the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).


Conference Website Call for Papers

4th RCEA Time Series Econometrics Workshop 

June 18th and 19th, 2016 – Rimini, Italy – Complesso Alberti


Keynote Speakers

peter_c_b_phillips Robert-Taylor-300x300
Peter C. B. Phillips


Yale University, University of Auckland, 
University of Southampton, Singapore Management University

A.M. Robert Taylor


University of Essex



Special Lecture

On the occasion of honorary degree from Wilfrid Laurier University

15 June 2016, 16:30, Balsillie School of International Affairs



Peter Howitt

Lyn Crost Professor of Social Sciences, Brown University

Innovation and Growth Through Creative Destruction

67 Erb Street West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Panel: Should The Bank Of Canada Raise The Inflation Target?

June 3, 2016 – Ottawa, Canada, Canadian Economic Association conference






Steven Ambler

Université du Québec à Montréal, C.D., Howe Institute and RCEA



Eric Santor

Bank of Canada



Serge Coulombe

University of Ottawa



Pierre Siklos

Wilfrid Laurier University, CIGI and RCEA

7th RCEA Macro-Money-Finance Workshop

“Advances in Macroeconomics and Finance”

May 19th and 20th, 2016 – Rimini, Italy – Palacongressi


Keynote speakers

Steven_Ambler Gary_Koop Marco_Pagano
Steven  Ambler


Université du Québec à Montréal, C.D. Howe Institute and RCEA

Gary Koop


University of Strathclyde and RCEA     —–

Marco Pagano


University of Naples Federico II, EIEF and CSEF


 10th Annual RCEA Bayesian Econometric Workshop

May 19th and 20th, 2016 – Rimini, Italy – Palacongressi


Keynote speakers

M_Jensen S_Potter
Mark Jensen


Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Simon Potter


Federal Reserve Bank of New Yor
